Timney Cemetery
Timney South River Park Community Cemetery
Baldwin County Alabama – County Rd 31 & River Creek Dr
Google Map address: 12780 County Road 32, Fairhope, AL, United States
For corrections please email me using the Contact Us Form.
This was done to honor our love ones.
Updated – 16 Sep 2020
You can add to this website! Add a Biography

Write a biography of your loved one. There is so much more to who they were than you can put on a headstone.
Now you can send in the biography of your loved one in WORD or PDF format and I will post it on the web site.
Just use the contact form to send us your love one’s biography.
Point of order: This website is not supported or controlled by the committee of caretakers of the cemetery. I have asked them to help me keep it updated, but they have declined. I do not have any contact information for the cemetery caretakers! If you want to contact the caretakers, you need to get with one of the local funeral homes, and they will have the contact information. I do have a copy of the Timney Cemetery’s Articles of Incorporation and by-laws. I do not know how old they are as they did not date the document.
Here is a list of people in the Timney Cemetery in EXCEL Format and in PDF Format.
Joseph Gable
B: 25 Dec 1838
D: 30 Nov 1896
Susan Gable
B: 29 Feb 1848
D: 6 Aug 1886
Placed due to disrepair of originals
Newel Petty
B: 6-25-1921
D: 11-12-2003
Shirley Petty
B: 8-17-1924
D: 3-14-2003
Ember Petty
B: 9-20-1945
D: 01-31-1996
The Carnley DNA Project has started. For more information CLICK HERE.
For corrections please email me using the Contact Us Form.